“The Roots of Our Memories”
A taciturn high schooler visits the graveyard Aiden tends, requesting to access her dead father’s memories illegally. But an insect pestilence threatening the graveyard’s integrity may end both Aiden’s and Pamela’s hopes.
Published in Asimov’s Science Fiction.
Two years after leaving Earth, Nicholas Ware has become an established monster hunter in the new world he’s started calling home. But can he convince a local village to relocate rather than kill the wyvern living nearby?
Published in NewMyths.
“The Price of Magic”
When an international magic dealer leads the FBI to a cache of magical objects, Agent Eric Hughes is suspicious. Is there any connection to the infamous Chicago Institute of Magic robbery back in the ‘90s?
Published in Artifice & Craft (Zombies Need Brains)
A family ancestry project at school teaches Maxim about the rational dress reform movement of the twenty-first century—and raises questions about clothing that Maxim never thought to ask before.
Out for review with venues.
“Still Life”
You meet a strange painter at a local festival. They apparently want to tell you their whole life story—or at least how a stay in a rehab facility where they temporarily remove your sight can change your life.
Published in Daily Science Fiction.
When her sister stumbles across online photos of herself that she doesn’t remember, Julia realizes they’ve both had their memories edited. What happened in her “past life”—and does she even want to find out?
Published in Analog Science Fiction & Fact
“What to Expect”
Samantha didn’t expect to give birth to a shapeshifter. Bringing home a normal newborn is hard enough. Even with a supportive partner and other magical mommies she’s met online, can Sam find a new normal?
Forthcoming from Grain Magazine
“The Shape of a Lion”
Chadric has traveled hundreds of miles to study shapeshifting with a master. But when he understands the true cost of his pursuit of magic, will his journey have been worth it?
Out for review with venues.